Spacers mixes the old trappings of space opera
and a bit more recent
knowledge. If you’ve ever wanted to explore the solar system
beyond, fight creepy aliens with ray guns, or command a space-ship
speeding through the great unknown, this game is for you.
PDF - $1.50
Spacers gears towards something we call “rocket opera.” A cross between
the relationship of Characters with each other and the relationship of
them and the technologies, especially the spaceships, inhabiting their
worlds. This is about being in space and what can be done while there.
The narrative plays a large part in the group’s participation,
meanwhile, various conventions of the rules are provided to give a
visceral element of strategy for the GM/author of the adventure taking
This is the latest in the Spacers line: Spacers: 180°. This is a series
of rule systems designed for quicker than most RPG systems for science
fiction settings. The difference in this game is that we’ve changed
from a two six-sided dice-based system into one using the popular D20,
as well as the assorted array of other polyhedral dice. From D2 to
D100, this work is written to use them.
Core Rules
PDF - $1.50
- $5.99
It is the hip nickname for those that travel in space. Whether they're
pilots, engineers, specialists, or even very non-specializing
hangabouts, these individuals would rather be in space most of the
time. The reasons to be in space and the benefits for being there can
be worked out later. Explorers, adventurers, and thrill-junkies all,
the next new thing calls to these sorts. The universe around them may
use labels like "appleseeds", "fly-bys", and "crashlanders" but
everyone knows that one has to add the words “in space” to every
sentence of their biographies, making them that much more awesome.
Near Space
PDF - $1.00
- $15.00
While the world circa 350 years from now seems Utopian, that actually
is not the case. People are still self-serving and often work against
one another. Privilege and opportunity are meted out by location and
family more often than by need or merit. Incorporated interests still
strive to exploit the resources available to them and then deprive
those not part of their franchise. But things are still a whole lot
better for all the human population than ever before. Speaking of
population, that population is bigger than ever and only getting
bigger. This could explain why space exploration and colonization is
bigger than military arms – overcrowding without starvation just gets
people adventurous.
Space is the
Requires the SPACERS
Core Rules (above) for use.
All content (including but not limited to stories,
games, other text, and graphics) is Copyright © 2007 by
Peryton Publishing or the original author, and may not be reproduced
without prior written permission. Peryton Publishing and the Peryton
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Reserved. Email open@perytonpublishing.com for more information.