The easiest way to reach us is through the forum. We get email notifications of anything that happens there, so you won't be ignored.
One of these days we should set up some kind of web form, but today is
not that day. Feel free to contact us with ideas, proposals, or
anything else that sounds cool.
you'd like to stock our products in your store, they can be found with
the PYN identifier in game and hobby trade catalogs worldwide. If you
can't get them through your regular distributor, please contact Studio 2 Publishing
to purchase them directly.
Submission Guidelines
Fiction/RPG Scenarios
We're occasionally looking for weird fiction from
the future to the ancient past, as well as any dreamings in between.
Short stories to novellas enjoyed. See this page to
find out more
about what we're looking for. Submission samples should be attached as
RTF files. Use blank lines to separate paragraphs, and don't use tabs
at all. Don't double-space. Exact rates
depend on the project, but usually we pay 1/4 cent per word for
1 year exclusive print and electronic rights;
after that, all rights revert to author, but we retain a nonexclusive
license to continue to print/reprint the story in future editions (as
our books are POD) or in electronic format.
Visual Art
We are primarily interested in buying full rights
to original artwork. Prices are negotiable; query first. Don't send us
images via email without prior approval.
While we do insist on full ownership of
art, we're willing to give you an unlimited
license to do as you will with your pictures. This license begins as
soon as the work for which we commissioned the art has been published,
and it means you can still put your pictures on prints, t-shirts, your
web page, or whatever, as long as it's clear that Peryton Publishing
remains the official copyright holder.
If you don't accept Amazon Payments or PayPal, we don't pay you.